Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 19 Sonogram

We got a sonogram today and confirmed the baby is a BOY!!! We saw him yawn. Cutest yawn I've ever seen! He was doing flips in my belly this past weekend. The tech said because I'm thin and with the way my uterus is positioned, that I can probably feel the baby more than normal. David and I are so excited. We now just have to agree upon a name!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

16 Week Checkup

I'll be 17 weeks tomorrow! Got to hear the baby's heart beat again! It was 151 bpm. I've also gained 6 pounds in two weeks for a total of 11.5 pounds (which is right on track)!

Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23, 2012: Moving All Around

The baby was very active today! I was teaching and stopped in the middle of a lesson to feel him moving around. I have been feeling him move all night!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Week 15 Belly Picture

April 13, 2012

Week 12 Belly Picture

March 22, 2012: David and I went on our baby moon. We took a week long cruise. I took advantage of the all you can eat food and my belly started to pop out!

February 2, 2012: The Day We Found Out About our Bundle of Joy!

On Thursday, February 2nd I found out we were pregnant. I had been wanting to take a test all week and something kept telling me to wait till Thursday. I always had imagined creative ways I would tell David the exciting news, but I couldn't contain my excitement. I ran down the stairs and held out the stick that said "Pregnant." He was as in shock and excited as I was. I found another brand of pregnancy tests and took it and it said, "Yes!" The day I found out I said, "It's a boy, I just know it." It's actually funny because I always said David and I were going to have two girls. David said girl just to go against me although he said he has no idea what sex the baby is. :)

Week 12 Sonogram Pictures!

March 26, 2012: 12 Weeks! We got to see our baby's profile and the baby looks like a boy! Looks like my gut was right! David and I got to watch the baby on the screen for more than 20 minutes because the baby wasn't cooperating with what the technician wanted to do. Little Baby Muir was trying to suck his hand already! The heartbeat was 152 bpm.

Week 10 Belly Picture

March 8, 2012

8 Week Sonogram

February 28th: 9 Weeks: We saw the baby for the first time and heard the heartbeat. It was so fast and strong at 181 bpm. We will never forget that sound! :)